ME: Tell me a management bedtime story.

Christina Wodtke
4 min readSep 10, 2024


ChatGPT: Once upon a time, in a bustling kingdom called Innovatia, there was a wise manager named Elara. She wasn’t the kind of leader who ruled from a high tower, issuing decrees or chasing after glory. No, Elara believed in the quiet power of nurturing her people, guiding them not with speeches, but with patience, care, and a steady hand.

One day, the kingdom’s Council of Innovation called for a grand project — a bridge that would connect their lands to the distant kingdom of Prosperis. This bridge was not just a physical connection, but a symbol of the future, where trade, knowledge, and culture would flow freely between the two kingdoms. Elara was chosen to lead the project, and with the weight of responsibility upon her, she set out to build a team.

She gathered together a diverse group of artisans, engineers, and dreamers, each with their own strengths and quirks. There was Tomas, the visionary architect who saw beauty in every curve; Lira, the practical engineer who loved efficiency and numbers; and Rook, the craftsman whose hands could mold wood and steel like magic.

At their first meeting, the excitement was high, but so was the confusion. Everyone had different ideas, and soon the room buzzed with arguments over designs, deadlines, and methods. Some wanted to focus on grand, elaborate structures, while others were determined to build the fastest, most functional bridge possible.

Elara quietly listened to each voice, her eyes soft but sharp. She knew managing wasn’t about taking sides or imposing her own vision — it was about bringing these diverse talents together. So, instead of giving orders, she asked thoughtful questions.

“Tomas,” she said to the architect, “what would this bridge look like if it reflected not just beauty, but also the strength and endurance our people need?”

Tomas paused, and for the first time, considered the practical side of his grand designs.

“Lira,” Elara continued, “how can we build efficiency into this project without losing sight of the bridge’s symbolic importance?”

Lira, always focused on function, began to think about how the aesthetics could coexist with her plans.

Day by day, Elara encouraged them to collaborate, reminding each member of the team that their role was essential but incomplete without the others. She held brief morning gatherings where the team would share updates and talk through obstacles. When tensions rose, Elara would take them on quiet walks by the river, allowing nature and fresh air to soften their frustrations.

One afternoon, just as construction was beginning, disaster struck — a storm rolled in from the mountains, threatening to destroy the early foundations of the bridge. Panic spread across the camp as everyone scrambled for shelter. But Elara remained calm. She gathered the team in the shelter of a large oak tree and asked them to reflect.

“What have we learned from this?” she asked.

At first, there was silence. Then Rook, the craftsman, spoke up. “We underestimated the strength of the storm. But it shows us how important it is to make sure the foundation is stronger, deeper.”

The others nodded, seeing the wisdom in his words. Instead of despairing over the setback, they regrouped. With Elara’s steady guidance, they adjusted the plans, strengthened the foundation, and continued the work.

Months passed, and the bridge slowly took shape, a perfect blend of vision, efficiency, and craftsmanship. It was not the fastest-built bridge, nor the most extravagant, but it was strong, beautiful, and functional — just like the team that had created it.

On the day the bridge opened, the people of Innovatia and Prosperis gathered to celebrate. As they crossed the bridge for the first time, Elara stood at the side, watching her team. Tomas admired the curves, Lira nodded in satisfaction at the sturdy design, and Rook ran his hand across the smooth railings with pride.

Elara smiled to herself. She knew that her role had not been to lead with grand gestures, but to manage with care, patience, and wisdom, helping each person bring their best to the table.

And so, Innovatia flourished, not just because of the bridge, but because Elara had taught her people the true power of collaboration and thoughtful management. In time, other kingdoms sought her wisdom, and Elara’s story became one of legend.

And from that day forward, Innovatia was known as a place where ideas blossomed, and every project was a masterpiece of teamwork.

The end.

